Wednesday, August 8

Book Review: News on the Home Front

Author:  Christopher G. McPherson
Title: News on the Home Front
Genre: Historical Fiction, Drama, Romance
Pages: e-book
First Published: February 19th, 2012 
Where I Got It: Given me to read and review from Charisma Media Network for my honest opinion

"Set against a worldwide canvas that includes New York, Paris and Germany "News on the Home Front" tells the story of two women who have been friends since their childhood in West Lake, Maryland. The world war has torn apart their lives leaving each trying to find a way to put it back together. It's been a difficult few years with rationing and shortages starting to take their toll. Carole's boyfriend, Philip, is off to fly for the Army; and Irene has taken a job at the nearby aircraft factory. Carole promised Philip that she would wait for his return from the war -- but circumstances begin to conspire against her. She's waited her whole life for him, but can she make it until the end of the war?"

This is the first book I've read by Christopher G. McPherson. It is also the first book set in a woman's POV during WWII that I've read. Yes, I've seen many a movie that dealt with the "at home" POV but this is the first that I've actually read. 

As everyone may or may not know, I am addicted to WWII, so when this book was offered I jumped on the chance! I also was super excited because the main character is named Carole...which is my name! So many firsts for me with this book!

The beginning seemed a little bit slow and I was fearful that this book would be just about two rich friends spending money and being happy and once in a while showing sad emotions. However, that all changed when a certain event occurred and my mind screamed, "This just got serious!" After that event (I can't say much more) the fate for these two girls was forever changed. I could hardly put the book down, because I know what happened next. How would it all end? How was everyone going to land at the end? Would Philip come home to Carole? So many questions!

On that note....I did not like Carole at many points especially at the beginning. She's a pretty selfish girl and I felt like she treated Irene like crap at times. Irene tried so hard to be the perfect friend and person. Irene even got a job at a aircraft factory to help with the war while Carole sat at home and did nothing. Near the end Carole grew up immensely (well she had to) and that made me gain a lot of respect for her. 

It was hard for me to really relate to these two girls. Not only were they rich, but they were both selfish and rude. They could be extremely rude at times and it made me mad! Yes, I know they were kidding at times, but really? Gah. Oh well, I come from being middle class all my life so I don't understand that POV very well. I'm glad he did have them be rich, because I did get a completely different POV and I liked it. 

This was a cute read and I would like to see it become a movie one day! I hate to use the word "cute" for a book about two people surviving WWII, but it fits. It was defiantly a chick lit and it would make one heck of a chick flick. It had all the elements to make a chick flick: drama, romance, humor, an aspiring tale of bravery in the most unlikely place, and a touch of action (little snip-bits of war news and action) for the men we drag to these movies. 

Overall, I liked this book. It was a cute read and I could see this becoming a movie on day! I may have had conflicting opinions on Carole and Irene, I still enjoyed their tales. The beginning was a little on the slow side, but once you reach a certain point/event, you won't be able to put it down! I would recommend this to those that need a switch up in their readings, for those that love Historical Fiction and WWII, and for those that need a chick lit. 

I wish I could say more, but I fear I will let slip some major spoilers....I guess me and Carole have one thing in common. haha

Okay, I've debating myself a long time about the rating I want to give this and I've finally decided on a 4. 

Favorite Character(s): Philip, Irene, Carole (at times), Bretaigne (I wouldn't mind him being my doctor. hahaha)
Not-so Favorite Character(s): Carole's Dad (where was he? *SPOILER ALERT* He knew his daughter was dying and she was pregnant, I think, but did he even come to say goodbye to her and see her at all in the hospital? Really? >.> His work was more important than his only child. Bastard *END OF SPOILER*), Carole (at times), and Joe (meh)



  1. Some books are hard to rate. You enjoy, once they get going, but wonder what rating to give. :) Glad you enjoyed it.

  2. So I read that spoiler and I have to agree with your last words

  3. Yeah, Melissa, it was really hard to give a nice solid rating for this one.

    B, bad girl! Reading the spoiler! hahahaha, but yeah, seriously...I was livid and confused!


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