Saturday, March 31

A Very Pink Cast That Book: The Temptation of the Night Jasime

~'Cast That Book' is a weekly meme created by moi. This is just something I came up with, to share everyone who I would cast if a certain book became a movie. I got the idea from, so check them out! My secret dream is to be a casting director and this allows me to live it for just an hour or two. Anyone can join! You don't have to pick thebook I picked. Any book, any genre! However, I would LOVE to check out who you casted, so share the linkie to your post down below.~

Happy late Saturday everyone! I know my posts have been, well, limited even though I came home Monday from Oklahoma. I've been stricken hard with allergies. I sleep the majority of the day and sit in misery the rest. Excuses, excuses, but I've been way to lazy and unmotivated to actually get up and get on. I'll be better, because I'm slowly but surely getting well.

Anyways, this week I'll be sharing my cast for The Temptation of the Night Jasmine. This is my second favorite of the series! Many of you are probably wondering "why are there so many of these" and "how come Carole has been so loyal to such a long series?" That is the beauty of this Pink Carnation series! Each book feels like your coming home! Each book is a new adventure. ^.^ In total there are 9 books and Ms. Willig still has a few more left. She does plan to end the series sooner or later. I'll cry when that day arrives. Here is my cast:
Charlotte - Emilie de Ravin

Robert - Shane Taylor

The Dowager Douchess of Dovedale - Susan Sarandon

Tommy Fluellen - Josh Hutcherson

Freddy Staines - Ryan Hurst

Penelope - Talulah Riley (brighter red hair)

Medmenham - Christian Bale

Miles Dorrington - Ryan Reynolds (light, brown hair)

Henrietta Selwick/Dorrington - Keria Knightley

Hope you like my cast. ^.^



  1. How many books are there really in this series? Lol, a lot I know

  2. A lot! However, I adore each and every one. :D


Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)