Friday, February 3

~Follow Friday~

Happy Friday everyone! The weekend is nearly here! Also tomorrow is the this blog's first birthday! How exciting is that? ^.^ Anyways, since I have nothing else to post today, I'm going to join in the FFF.

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme created by Parajunkee's View & Alison Can Read.
Every Friday they feature a blog and the blogger. They also ask a question! The point of this FFF is to hop around other people's blog. This week's question is:

Q: Define what characteristics your favorite books share. Do they all have a kickass heroine or is the hot love interest the Alpha Male?

A: Ummm...let's see....I'm not quite sure. It just depends on the genre of books. For Romance and Historical Romances I prefer my guy to be tough, but a secret softie. For action and adventure novels, it needs to be filled with action and witty dialogue. I guess my characteristics for my favorite books just depends on the genre of book I'm reading. ^.^ One thing that I look for is a strong female character. I hate women always having to be the damsel in the distress. I mean its nice once in while, but I'm a strong girl and I want my heroines to be strong and kickass too.

What about you?



  1. Hello! New follower. Yes, give me a kick-ass heroine over a damsel in distress any day.

    Here's mine: My FF

  2. Aww I love tough guys who are such softies on the inside. They're the best! Hope you have a great Friday :)

    Here's my FF!

  3. New follower from the blog hop! I like the female leads to be strong too. Here is my FF if you'd like to follow back:

  4. I totally agree with you! I hate those books where the girl's always crying. A few times is okay, but then it just gets old and stupid! I'm a new follower, by the way! I would love if I could get a follow-back

  5. I like my heroines to be strong too. I like a girl who drives her own story.

    Here's my Follow Friday.

    Also, check out our 100 Follower Giveaway!

    Old follower.

  6. Small Blonde Hippy, first off...I love your name! It's super cute. Thanks for following! I'll be sure to hop on over.

    Jessica, those tough guys are so cute. ^.^ I tried to have one, but it wasn't too grand. Buut I hope you had a better one. I'll be sure to pop on over.

    Kary, hi! Thanks for the follow! I'll be sure to check it out!

  7. Eileen, uggh I know! Those girls are so annoying! I mean c'mon...MAN UP! Thanks for the follow...I'll be sure to stop on by.

    Tyler-Rose, same here. I mean yea..things happen and they might need a little help, but just sitting there twiddling their thumbs waiting for Prince Charming to come along is just annoying. I shall!

  8. Hello! I am a new follower!! Found you via the blog hop! Can't wait to read your posts!


  9. Claire, hi! Thanks for becoming a follower! ^.^ I'll be sure to pop on by.


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