Sunday, December 4

Sunday Ketchup

~'Sunday Ketchup' was inspired by The Muse in the Fog's 'Suddenly Sunday' postings. However, mine are going to be a little bit different. Also when I went to spell 'Catchup' I accidentally spelled it wrong and put 'Ketchup'. I thought it was cute, so I kept it. Also, I'm addicted to ketchup! I want one of those ketchup shirts that says "I <3 Ketchup". Wouldn't that be cute? Every week, or whenever I remember, I'm going to post events that happened this past week, things coming up next week, updates, and news. You can join in and post your own 'Sunday Ketchup' postings, just make sure to mention me...if you want ^.^ ~

Happy Sunday everyone! I'm a little late posting this, but I got distracted watching the Lions-Saints game. Ooooh Lions, I understand being all manly and whatever, but you are shooting yourselves in the foot by getting all those penalties. BLEURGH! Sorry for the randomness, but that's what I'm good at. Haha. 

But yeah, sorry for the lack of posts this week, but finals week begins this week and so you all know what that is slashed and it's studyland! After Thursday, I'll have more reading time and all that jazz. So how was your week? 

Past Week Posts:

What Came in the Mail/Store?:
Well, this week I was given The Bow of Heaven (#1) by Andrew Levkoff to give my honest review on. I'm super excited! I'm only on chapter 6 so far, but once exam week is over I'll have plenty of time to finish it up. Besides for that, nothing else came in for me. -.-

What's Going to Be Posted This Week?:
I'm not 100% sure. I know for certain I'll have The Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots done sometime during the week (yayy!), so look forward to that review. I will try to have the normal stuff posted (like Music Monday and etc). I might combine the next movie of the week announcement with the 'Music Monday' post. We shall see. Nothing is set in stone, so please bare with 

Anything New For the Blog?:
Nothing major! I'll perhaps make 'Cast The Book' a new weekly or so meme. I really enjoy sharing who I picture as certain characters from certain books. Its fun! Perhaps others will join in on the fun and share their character casts. ^.^ A girl can dream can't she? Besides for that, I'll be updating the quotes and etc. 

Tim Horton News:
We are officially selling our Christmas foods and even our new White Hot Chocolate drinks! You even have the option to add peppermint stuff to your drinks. Nefty! We are also going to begin selling Latte drinks soon (eh). 

Anything Else Worth Mentioning?:
Yes...I just wanted to give hugs to all the new people who were forced...I mean who willing decided to become followers of my little blog. Thankies! Also! I wanted to give a shout-out to my Mama who's birthday is Saturday! Love you! Other than those two things...nope. ^.^



  1. White chocolate, mmmm, yum!!!!!
    And good luck with your finals

  2. I tried some. It was pretty good! =D
    And thanks!


Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)