Friday, December 23

Follow Friday

(Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read)

Well *looks up from book, with a pipe in hand*, hello everyone. What a glorious Friday it is...

*snaps out of it*
Sorry about being cheesy and trying to be funny. It's 1 AM here on my part of the world and I've been having trouble sleeping, so I'm a little slap-happy right now. Anyways...I haven't participated in Follow Friday in quite some time, so I decided to type this up and post it. Of course, I'll be hopping through some blogs. That's the fun of it! Blogs are like books; there are so many of them, but so little time. Like usual, the gals at Parajunkee and Alison Can Read present a question to be answered:

Q: If you had to spend an eternity inside the pages of a book, which book would you chose and why? 

A: That's a hard one...there are so many books I would love to be stuck in for an eternity. Umm...JRR Tolkien's books. I would prefer the last book Return of the King, because that one has the happy ending. haha. I wouldn't want to live in warfare and terror forever, so I would relish in the happy ending feeling. I just love the world JRR Tolkien created and sometimes I wish I lived in that world. There isn't any Tim Hortons there ^.^. Which book would you love to stuck in forever and ever and ever?



  1. Hopping through. It's pathetic - I haven't read the last LOTR book. I really should.
    My Hop

  2. Thanks for following :) Im following you back now!

    Is it wrong that i havent read any of JRR Tolkien's books? I think what threw me off was I watched the first Lord of the Rings film and fell asleep because I found it utterly boring, although your pictures seem to show a cool side to the books... maybe I should attempt to read his books then :D


  3. It is a very interesting and beautiful world! Great answer!
    New follower
    Visit My Follow Friday

  4. Middle Earth does seem beautiful! New follower! My Follow

  5. Allison, haha it's okay. Thanks for hopping through!

    Jennifer L. Bielman, *gasp* you never heard of JRR Tolkien? lol, its alright. You should check his books out.

    Kris, its alright. The beginning of the movie WAS a little boring. hahaha you should check them out.

  6. Jennifer M, it is a lovely world and thanks!

    Blodeuedd, maybe we could be neighbors! lol

  7. Oh, jeez. This would be really impossible for me to decide. I think I'd like to hop through books as I get bored really easily. Probably Wuthering Heights, The House of Mirth, something set in the 20's in NYC, Hollywood in the 50's... iconic phases. So cliche. Sorry!

  8. I haven't read any of Tolkien's books but know that the world created is fantastic! Great pick!

    My Follow Friday!

  9. I would most definitely want to live in a peaceful Middle Earth! I think I'd fit right in with those Hobbitses ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following, I followed back :)

  10. I love your comment. New follower so come follow me at Happy Holidays!

  11. Sonia, hahaha. That's why I picked the first thing that came to mind and just put that down.

    Tia, it is a pretty fantastic world! Thanks! I'll defiantly stop on by. ^.^

    Aeicha, as many would say..."Carole you are a hobbit". So perhaps I'll be happier amongst my fellow hobbitses. ;D

    Chayse, aw thanks. Happy holidays and I'll stop on by. =D

  12. Interesting choice. I'm currently reading LOTR but can't seem to go further than p.50. Pathetic, right? But I'll push through. I know I can. :) Anyway, I'm a new follower. Happy Holidays!

    Sarah @ Smitten over Books

  13. Yeah, the beginning is a little tough to get through. So no...not pathetic. Thanks and happy holidays! I'll be sure to pop on over.


Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)