Sunday, October 30

Movie of the Week Announcement.........

It was super hard to decide what I wanted to watch and review. I thought about reviewing a spooky movie for Halloween coming up, but....nah. I'm a casual Spooky-movie-watcher. I'll watch it if everyone else wants to watch it, but I don't go out of my way to watch it alone. I've only watched one movie this Halloween season, which was Halloween: H20  and I watched it with my Daddy. It was okay, but I missed the first 15 minutes so that review was down the drain. If you have any scary movies you want me to review name the movie and I'll check it out. ^.^

Anywho...I've finally decided on a movie to watch and review. I was just bumming around the internet looking for a good unheard of movie and this movie kept popping up, so I decided to give it a shot and it looks like it'll be my Movie of the Week. And the lucky (or unlucky, depending on the review) is.......

Curse of the Golden Flower. Here's a trailer, the trailer really caught my attention:

Doesn't it look like it has EPIC potential? ^.^



  1. i STILL have not seen that movie even though I have it

  2. I watched this movie when it first came out. It is EPIC! Its visually stunning. The fact that its subtitled can make it a little harder to understand. But you soon get the story line. AWESOME MOVIE!

  3. Blodeuedd, I'll defiantly let you know how it goes. =D

    Allison, I like subtitled movies. hahaha I'm odd. I like to put subtitles on when its in English. ^.^ I can't wait to watch this. I'm super pumped.


Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)