Tuesday, June 21

Top Ten Tuesday: Why I love to blog

~Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish.~

This week's topic question is "why do you love to blog". I haven't been blogging on blogger for that long, just a few months. However, I love to blog and I'll give you my top ten reasons on why I love to blog:

1. Whenever I complete a post and click the 'publish post' button I feel a certain happy feeling rush over me. I guess blogging and getting my voice out there just makes me smiles.

2. I love all the new people and chatting with everyone. I love all my fellow bloggers. ^.^

3. I love being able to share my love of books, music, and movies to others. I love chatting about a good book or a bad book.

4. The blogging world is like entering another world. There are so many different types of places to travel. Different types of blogs. It's so diverse here!

5. It's great to be able to find people who share the same interests with me! I always smile when I find another history geek like me.

6.There are giveaways all the time! I don't know why, but I love entering into contests.

7. Blogging allows me not only talk about stuff, but show pictures or videos I'm absolutely in love with.

8. It's just a lot of fun! There's so many things to see and do in the world of blogging.

9. I love all my followers and their comments. I feel loved.

10. Lastly, I just love discovering new books, authors, movies, TV shows, music, and etc. Blogging opens many doors.

I was dieing to do this post this week! I couldn't wait to share my whys on why I love blogging. Why do you all love blogging? If you post this on your blog send me the link so I can see your top ten list.

**PS-I fixed my issue, so 'Music Mondays' has been saved. It was odd. Something in the post editor settings changed on it's own. I'm not sure how or why, but I discovered it an hour or so ago. ^.^ That made my day.

Also, I wanted to apologize for the late posting today, I spent the day with Sarah and we had feathers put our hair. I guess it's a new trend, but they take real feathers and dye them different colors and clip them into your hair. It's odd, but I like it. I got blue and magenta. She got blue, magenta, and purple. It's pretty cool! You can curl them, straigten them, or whatever! I'm absolutely in love with mine. Also, they are NOT permant, you can get them taken out at anytime. Here are a couple pics:**

mine. ^.^

the blue feather is on the other side. 

Do you have a feather in your hair?



  1. I love giveaways too ;) But I am trying (not doing so well) to not participate in too many before I have read my own books

  2. hahaha, i have that same issue. I love the giveaways, but I have soooo many books of my own that I still need to read.


Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)