Monday, May 9

Music Monday #3 and Blog News

A third Monday has come and gone in the world of blogging. This is the third 'Music Monday' post for Carole Rae's Random Ramblings. I love posting something that makes me happy before Tuesday, because thats when my week of classes begin. I love college in many ways, but I loath it a lot too. That's life and life isn't easy. 

This is defiantly me. XD

Well, as you may or may not know I've been reading 'Royal Pains' by Leslie Carroll (which I'm loving so far). I'm nearly done, I could possibly be done and have a review by tomorrow. Sometimes when I'm just relaxing and reading I tend to put on my mp3 player. When I got to Lettice Knollys part a song came on that would make me laugh and say "wow, this oddly goes with every historical person in this book." And that song would have to be non-other than "S&M" by Rihanna. I wanted to share that story with you and post that song (if you haven't heard it). Yes, 99% of the people in that book tend to be a little scandalous both in public and in private. This song especially reminds me of Lady Pauline Bonaparte and Lettice Knollys Enjoy:

Also, I want to share with you my new favorite song of the's already a personal favorite of mine, but I'm addicted to this song for the moment:

One more video before I end this post ^.^. Here's another funny one to brighten your dreary Monday (make sure you watch until the very end...the end is epic):

Well, I hope you enjoyed today's video selections. I can't wait until next Monday! Oh! There are two new things on my blog. One is to let everyone know what my favorite song is, which is labeled as 'Favorite Song(s) of the Moment' and also, I have a quote of the week. If you have an suggestions for songs I might like or if you want to share some quotes with me go ahead and let me know!



Sadly...word verification is going back up. WAH! Hopefully it'll keep the spammers away (I promise I'll take it off soon-ish)